
Golden Retriever Club


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Champ Shows from 2018 back CelticShow,08,07

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The membership form for new membership can be downloaded here: Membership form

The membership form for membership renewal can be downloaded here: Membership form

Bank Details if you would like to do a Direct Deposit.

Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club

Westpac Bank, Sorell

BSB: 037621  Account Number : 163864

The Code of Ethics of The Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club Inc.

1)       Aims of the Club:

a)        To promote the Golden Retriever and the improvement thereof.

b)       To educate and encourage members, breeders, exhibitors and judges to abide by the    requirements of and standards for the Golden Retriever.

c)       To promote and support competition in all practical ways and to hold exhibitions and club events to promote the breed and responsible pet ownership.

d)      To promote public interest in the Golden Retriever and in all ANKC sanctioned activities.

e)      To promote good fellowship among those interested in the Golden Retriever.

These objects are to be achieved under the requirements of and in a manner consistent with both the Constitution of the Club and the Constitution of the Tasmanian Canine Association Inc., trading as Dogs Tasmania, and any laws, by-laws of any relevant state or local government body and/or the Dog and Cat Management Board.

2)       Standard of the Breed:

The Breed Standard is a written criterion developed by The Golden Retriever Club of the United Kingdom and accepted by the ANKC which describes the ideal Golden Retriever. Members should breed to conform with the standard, always striving to produce a better dog.

3)      Tasmanian Canine Association Registration:

Each dog/bitch used for breeding or to be shown or worked must be properly registered with the Tasmanian Canine Association.

4)      Hereditary Testing:

All members’ breeding stock and any other stock used by them (such as Stud Dogs) must have completed the following hereditary testing PRIOR to any matings taking place.

Mandatory Testing

a)       Hips and Elbows scored by an approved scorer under the ANKC CHEDS scheme, or in the case of frozen semen a recognised scheme by the kennel control in the country where the dog resides. Breeders shall aspire to only breed from dogs/bitches that have a hip score equal to or lower than the breed average.


b)      Clear Eye Certificate for Hereditary Cataract and PRA from a registered Veterinary Ophthalmologist that has been undertaken within 18 months prior to a mating. In the case of frozen semen, the sire will have a current clear eye certificate at the time of collection of semen.



Recommended Testing as per National Golden Retriever Council Guidance

a)       DNA tested for

-          PRA 1 and PRA 2 or is clear by parentage for one generation. Where a dog is a carrier for either PRA 1 or PRA 2 it will only be mated to a dog that is clear of the same PRA to ensure there can be no affected puppies from the mating. In the case of frozen semen from an untested dog it is expected that the semen shall be used only on a clear bitch.

-          Ichthyosis status


b)      Clear heart certificate from a registered Veterinary Cardiologist specialist when the dog is resident in Australia. See:



5)      Breeding

All members must conform to the rules and regulations of Dogs Tasmania and must keep accurate breeding and litter records.

a)       Members shall not allow any bitch owned by them to be mated under 18 months of age or over 8 years of age or allow their stud dog to be mated to any bitch under 18 months of age.


b)      A member shall not breed a bitch (except under extenuating circumstances) causing it to whelp more than twice in eighteen months without prior approval of Dogs Tasmania.


c)       Breeders when evaluating the implications of a dog’s health breeding results, shall also ensure they give equal consideration to the important factors such as temperament, genetic diversity, conformation and general health of the dog when planning their litters.


6)      General Health

Members should endeavour to maintain the best possible health and care of all their dogs/bitches, and to have their dogs/bitches regularly checked by their veterinarian. Any member found to have been guilty in a court of law of any charge relating to the health and welfare of any animal they own, or oversee their care, shall immediately be removed as a member of the club and shall forfeit any future privileges or approval of membership.

7)      Selling Puppies

A member shall not sell or otherwise transfer from their care any puppy under eight (8) weeks of age without the approval of Dogs Tasmania. Members shall not sell or donate puppies to retail, commercial or wholesale outlets; or for raffle prizes etc.
They should endeavour to place their puppies in good homes and to carefully ‘vet’ the prospective new owners. The Breeder shall provide the new owners with sufficient information covering diet and care for the first twelve months.


8)      Honesty in Representation

Members should represent their dogs/bitches as honestly as possible and not use misleading or untruthful statements in selling or advertising; nor denigrate other owners or breeders. Remember that the welfare of the breed comes before personal benefit.

9)      Community Relations

Members should ensure that their dogs are not a nuisance to their neighbours or the community in general, and that they are properly supervised and always controlled. Dogs should be given basic behavioural training and be registered with their local municipal council.

10)  Sportsmanship

Members should show good sportsmanship whether winning or losing at any TCA sanctioned or club event; and in no way denigrate the dog or bitches of others.

11)  Collection of Data Regarding the Golden Retriever Breed

The Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club Inc acknowledges the ANKC’s Code of Ethics Clause 4: “Members shall constantly strive to improve their knowledge of their chosen breed or breeds, and their knowledge of the requirements for the care, welfare and betterment of dogs. To promote the ideals of Clause 4 that the data and health screening results connected with your dog received by the club will be stored and where relevant used for registration and publication in relevant NGRC/ANKC documentation. The data may also be used for research and shared with trusted and reputable partners for the sole purpose of undertaking research to improve dog health and welfare.”

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