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The Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club Inc Championship Show, held on September 23rd 2023

At the Kennel section, Pontville sports Centre

Judge: Mrs. Suzi Golder (UK) Summeramba Golden Retrievers


The Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club Inc. Championship Show Critique

September 23rd 2023

Mrs Suzi Golder (Summeramba)

Firstly, let me make my sincere apologies on taking so long with your Critiques! I actually had completed it in January (also late)  But I felt so ashamed & embarrassed it all.

Being asked to Judge your dogs was a complete privilege in your lovely Country.

Numerically, it wasn’t a massive entry, but the quality was high.  I found your dogs clean, prepared well and super temperament shone through, as Goldens should be.


Junior Dog

1st  Petterwood’s Alubyc Astronomical – giving his handler a hard time, this youngster was a typical Junior.  Soft expression with a twinkle of naughtyness in his eyes, he has good layback of shoulder with super forechest, a scopier cast boy but this did not retract from his overall balance.  In lovely cream coat, straight front limbs , and once settled, he moved well   

Intermediate Dog

1st  Grierson’s Ch. Emperosgold Orielton At Goldlake (AI) – this handsome mid gold dog was in strong hard condition.  He has dark eyes and pigmentation with a nice broad skull, without any coarseness.

Super front angulation standing on straight limbs and deep through the heart.  Decent bend of stifle and moved well on strong hind quarters.

State Bred Dog

1st  Middleton’s Ch. Kaparla Call The Cops (AI) – Best State Bred In Show – This pale boy, with soft intelligent expression with dark bits, had super front angulation and forechest.  Carries the right amount of weight and has well muscled rearend.  Was lovely to go over and moved with style

2nd  Jeffrey’s Goldlake Walking On Sunshine – a slightly smaller dog in lush gold coat and soft kindly eyes, looked better on the move than standing as he tended to slope down when standing.  Decent front and rear angles and when moving he had a level topline.

 Australian Bred Dog –these two dogs were similar in shape and size, with decent angles, front & rear, although different end of the scale in colour!

1st   Middleton’s Ch. Fantango Reach For the Sun – masculine head, slightly longer in the loin than 2,

had  strong hindquarters  with a level topline which he held on the move.

2nd  Petterwood’s Athalow Ardbeg Ernies Angel -  soft expression with good pigment – deep chest & short coupled, moved well.

Open Dog – both super dogs

1st  Stephens & Pratt’s Ch Fetchpoint Roll Up Your Sleeve (AI) RN – Open In Show -  really liked this obvious male, good length of neck on to super layback of shoulder, good forechest and standing on neat feet, short coupled with strong hindquarters which allowed effortless  movement around the ring.

2nd  Collins’ Ch Kaparla The Eagle Has Landed – slightly smaller frame than 1, but super clean neck

Most appealing expression.  Stands four square on his neat feet. Good forechest and layback –  strong hindquarters, holding his level topline when moving    

Veteran Dog

1st  Morrison’s Sup Ch Kaparla Game Plan – Best Veteran In Show & Best In Show – this boy melted my heart.   Just loved his soft expression with good pigment, you could see he adored his handler. Super length of neck, leading onto  well laid shoulders.  Standing on the neatest of catlike feet, plenty of heart room, his couplings were short with good bend of stifle.  Held a dead level topline when he glided around the ring.

2nd  Laker’s Ch Kaparla From The Flight Deck (AI) – mid gold gentleman of good size and showing a balanced outline.  He has decent angles both fore and aft with super bend of stifle.  Loving his time in the ring.


Baby Puppy Bitch

1st  Cunningham’s Newesk Melting Moment – Best Baby Puppy In Show – although the only baby puppy in the show, she has lovely attributes.  As her namesake says – she has a melting expression with dark eyes and pigment.  Super length of neck flowing into level topline.  Balanced hind quarters, moved well for one so young.

Minor puppy Bitch

1st   Cunningham’s Newesk Golden Kisses – Best Minor Puppy In Show  - this 7 month old pretty girl has a good length of neck with decent front angles, very promising.  Short couplings & firm topline with a super bend of stifle

Puppy Bitch

1st  Grierson’s Goldlake Its My Turn Now –Best Puppy In Show -  my notes say ‘wish she were mine’, very confident and happy showgirl, at one with handler.  Super length of neck onto good layback and upperarm.  Moved well on neat feet

2nd  Wadsley’s Heathbrook Only Time Will Tell – soft expression with black pigment, balanced throughout, strong hindquarters, moved well

3rd  Cunningham’s Newesk Glitter N Gold – baby of this class, with super front angles, bit erratic on the move, (but she’s allowed) – she had a kindly expression with a glint of naughtiness!

Junior Bitch

1st  Morrison’s Kaparla With A Twist Of Lemon – Best Junior In Show – this blond bombshell was scopier than my 2nd placing, lovely feminine head, good length of neck leading onto a super layback of shoulder, good forechest and stands four square on neat feet, moved well holding her strong topline, loved her type.

2nd  Rand’s  Oceanviews Shalimar (AI) – mid gold young lady in lovely coat, sweet expression & kindly eye, moved out well showing a level topline, she has good shoulders, her couplings were short and she has a decent bend of stifle.

 Intermediate Bitch

1st  Morrison’s  Aust Ch Kaparla Move Outta My Way (AI) –  Best Intermediate In Show &

Best In Show Runner Up – Quality eye catching bitch with good substance, loved her head , clean neck, superb front angulation, deep through the heart, her strong hind quarters allowed her free moving around the ring.

2nd  Cunningham’s Newesk Gilded Lily – this compact bitch, dripping in gold coat,  smaller framed than my 1 st ,  a gorgeous soft expression with dark pigment.  She could do with more trimming to show her decent front angulation, well muscled, moved well.

State Bred Bitch  0

Australian Bred Bitch

1st  Gardner’s Ch Kaparla Hide and Seek – Australian  Bred In Show -  loved the outline of this balanced bitch, lots to like about her,  super front angulation, deep chest, clean neck and she showed off her level topline as she moved around the ring.

2nd Grierson’s Ch Goldlake Take A Chance On Me -  another clean outline, sweet expression and good angles front & aft, super bend of stifle, well muscled and moved well.

 Open Bitch

1st  Morrison’s Ch Kaparla Onthe Wings Of An Eagle – this girl was the best mover in this strong class.  Superb length of neck, deep chest and standing four square with good bend of stifles.  Moved true,  and effortlessly.

2nd Wadsley’s Ch Heathbrook Here I Am – good name for a very happy showgirl, as that’s the attitude she has and you automatically smile !  At one with handler she stands four square on neat feet.  She has such a soft expression with good pigment, clean neck onto well layback shoulders, deep chest.  Shown in lovely glamourous coat, moved with drive.

3rd  Stephens & Pratt’s Ch Fetchpoint I Taw A Puddy Tat (AI) – another elegant bitch with a super shape.  Pleasing feminine head, good length of neck, with good angles front & rear.  She is short coupled, standing on strong bone and moved with drive.


Veteran Bitch

1st   Gardner’s Ch Kaparla Lunar Mission – Such a showgirl, enjoying her time in the ring.  Loved her kind expression, super length of neck, balanced throughout, moved really well.


Neuter Dog

1st  Grubb’s Aust Neuter CH Goldlake Cause Im Happy – Neuter In Show  -  loved his powerful movement, holding his head up as he strides out.  Good angles front and rear, at one with handler.


Neuter Bitch

1st  Laker’s  Ch Neut. Ch Kaparla Total Recall – this 11year old girl, could show how to move, thats for sure !  She had the neatest of feet, good bone, balance and strong hind quarters.




Junior Dog 1 Entry

1             Mrs Darlene Petterwood               Alubyc Astronomical

 Intermediate Dog 1 Entry

1             Mrs J Grierson                                    Ch. Emperosgold Orielton At Goldlake (a.i.)

 State Bred Dog 2 Entries

1             Mrs. P Middleton                             Ch. Kaparla Call Thecops (a.i.)

2             Janet Jeffrey                                       Goldlake Walking Onsunshine RN

Australian Bred Dog 2 Entries

1             Mrs. P Middleton                             Ch. Fantango Reach For The Sun

2             Mrs. Darlene Petterwood              Athalow Ardbeg Ernies Angel

 Open Dog 2 Entries

1             Miss S Stephens & Ms T Platt     Ch. Fetchnpoint Roll Up Your Sleeve (a.i.)RN

2             Carol Collins                                        Ch. Kaparla The Eagle Has Landed

 Veteran Dog 2 Entries

1             Heather Morrison                            Sup Ch. Kaparla Game Plan

2             Mrs J. Laker                                         Ch. Kaparla From The Flight Deck (a.i.)

 Dog Challenge                   Sup Ch. Kaparla Game Plan

Res Dog Challenge           Ch. Fetchnpoint Roll Up Your Sleeve (a.i.)RN

 Baby Puppy Bitch 1 Entry

1             Melissa Cunningham                      Newesk Melting Moment

 Minor Puppy Birch 1 Entry

1             Melissa Cunningham                      Newsk Golden Kisses

 Puppy Bitch 3 Entries

1             Mrs. J Grierson                                  Goldlake Its My Turn Now

2             J & D Wadsley                                    Heathbrook Only Time Will Tell

3             Melissa Cunningham                      Newsk Glitter N Gold

 Intermediate Bitch 2 Entries

1             Heather Morrison                            Ch. Kaparla Move Outta My Way (a.i.)

2             Melissa Cunningham                      Newesk Gilded Lily

 Aust Bred Bitch 2 Entries

1             Kathryn Gardner                               Ch Kaparla Hide And Seek

2             Mrs J Grierson                                    Ch. Goldlake Take A Chance On Me

 Open Bitch 4 Entries

1             Heather Morrison                            Ch Kaparla On the Wings Of An Eagle

2             JW & DL Wadsley                             Ch Heathbrook Here I Am

3             Miss S Stephens & Ms T Platt       Ch Fetchnpoint I Taw A Puddy Tat (a.i.)

Veteran Bitch 1 Entry

1             Kathryn Gardner                               Ch Kaparla Luna Mission


Bitch Challenge                  Ch. Kaparla Move Outta My Way (a.i.)

Res Bitch Challenge         Ch Kaparla Hide And Seek


BEST IN SHOW                   Sup Ch. Kaparla Game Plan

RU BEST IN SHOW            Ch. Kaparla Move Outta My Way (a.i.)

  Neuter Dog 1 Entry

1             Cheryl Colles                       Aust Neut  Ch. Goldlake Cause Im Happy.

 Neuter Bitch 1 Entry

1             Mrs J Laker                          Ch.Neut.Ch. Kaparla Total Recall

 NEUTER IN SHOW            Aust Neut  Ch. Goldlake Cause Im Happy.

RU NEUTER IN SHOW     Ch.Neut.Ch. Kaparla Total Recall

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