What is dog obedience? Dog Obedience is teaching your dog to respect you. Your dog requires you to educate it.
Educating your dog involves teaching it several commands and their associated meanings. During the period you're educating your dog, it should develop respect for you. This respect should lead to you being considered a fair and capable leader. Your dog's behaviour will change (for the better) due to the respect you have developed.
Why Should I Educate My Dog? Educated dogs are the happiest, smartest and most confident dogs. They have learned many commands and the associated good behaviour. They understand what is expected of them. They feel confident and know what their role is.
Educated dogs know what to do Educated dogs know what NOT to do
Dogs love the security of knowing what to do, and what not to do.
South (Hobart):- Eastern Shore Dog Club Inc (0362438458) *** Hobart Canine Obedience Club Inc (0362342007) ***
North (Launceston):- Ulverstone Kennel Club 0417 518131 Tasmanian Dog Training Club Inc (0363435225) *** Southern Obedience Club Inc (0362295339
*** Club teaches agility.