Critique for the Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club. Sunday 6th September 2009
Judge: Mrs. Marilynn Morphet (Qld)
Dear All,
I would like to thank the Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club most sincerely for the honour of judging their Championship Show on 6th September 2009.
The weekend began with Aunty Shirley (Sulliivan) and I being picked up by Chris from the airport. We were so impressed by the kindness of this complete gentleman who waited on us hand and foot during the weekend. Thanks to his generous offer to take us on a guided tour of Hobart, we were also able to take in the beautiful sights in the daylight and at night. The hospitality of the Club was wonderful with the get together prior to judging on Saturday evening. It was nice to meet new Golden folk as well as catch up with others from the mainland.
The next morning Chris had us at the show in good time to meet the ring steward and writer and to sign the challenge certificates. It must have been difficult for the Club with the very serious illness of their popular Secretary Kaye Klap. A lot of the work was put on the shoulders of Vice President Heather Morrison and Treasurer Jan Grierson and very special thanks go to them for the smooth running of the show.
Some time ago I was asked what I looked for when judging our Goldens. I hope this response, which was first published in the newsletter of the Southern Golden Retriever Club in New Zealand helps with an interpretation of the critique which follows beneath.
Whilst this is not always easy to detect in the ring, temperament is of utmost importance in our breed There are no degrees in temperament. Goldens either have a good temperament or they do not.
The late great Mrs Charlesworth talked of quality in a Golden Retriever as being that of an aristocrat or thoroughbred. It has also been described as that intangible aura of excellence and nobility in the breed. Trying not to just quote the standard, the Golden is a gentleman’s dog. His head is known as the index of the breed. It is well balanced of equal proportions. The Golden has a broad skull which is in no way coarse, He has a good stop, a strong deep muzzle and chiselling which prevents plainness. There is no sign of cheekiness. This, together with eye shape and colour and ear size and their position lead to his having that typical kindly and gentle expression. As with the head, the Golden’s body is one of balance. His well angulated front and rear should be in harmony. He is not exaggerated in any way. The distance from the withers to the elbow is equal to that from the elbow to the ground. He is a moderate dog. That said, he is not a plain dog. He has good bone right done to his cat-like feet. He is deep through as opposed to the Labrador which is broad across. The Golden is short coupled, but he needs some length in the rib-cage to achieve that beautiful effortless movement.He has a topline which remains level whilst stationary and on the move. His croup is not short or steep and he covers the ground with reach and drive with the greatest of ease.
Whilst taking into consideration all the points regarding correct type mentioned above, soundness is also of utmost importance. This is where in my opinion, the Goldens have lost ground to other Gundog breeds in some countries in recent years. Despite the breed being the largest at many shows around the world, often they do not gain their fair share of awards at group level. There is sometimes a lack of balance between front and rear, sometimes with upper arms which are too short. We sometimes find straight shoulders with over-angulated hindquarters. Often pictures of Goldens can be seen where the hindquarters finish far behind the tail set which is totally incorrect; as the power in the hindquarters is diminished. Over the past twenty years or so, there has been a problem where the legs have become too short and no longer is there an equal distance between body depth and length of leg. In addition, we are finding some Goldens which are too narrow in front which can make the Golden appear lacking in substance. Often the forelegs do not drop true. Some hindquarters appear cow-hocked when viewed from the rear. Movement should be true fore and aft. The Golden should move with reach and drive and have an effortless, level free flowing movement, never losing its shape at it moves. The faults mentioned above impact on the correct movement and it is sometimes heard that it is the breed’s movement which lets it down, when competing against other breeds. The Golden Retriever is a Gundog and whilst it remains in this group it should be shown in hard working condition. At a dog show it is not very complimentary if the judge finds the dog he is examining is not well presented, even sometimes having clumps of matted coat. Before the day of the show the dog’s premolars and molars should also be checked for cleanliness. When competing in stiff competition it is expected that the Golden Retriever is in full bloom and beautifully presented.
So to summarize the following were considered when judging; Temperament, Type, Quality, Soundness, Movement, Condition and Presentation. Quality really stands out, therefore a judge’s first impressions are very important. I look for what, in my opinion, is a typical, workmanlike, Golden Retriever, well angulated front and rear with hocks which are well let down, not extreme in any way, one with a head of correct proportions and a soft melting expression, having good bone extending right down to well shaped feet, standing four-square, one which is balanced in every way, being short coupled and short backed but with enough length in ribcage to enable him/her to move effortlessly round the ring; having a top line which remains level when at rest and on the move. He/she should have a muscular neck which blends gracefully into the shoulders with no sign of throatiness. His/her coat should be of correct texture and he/she should be presented in top condition in terms of health and fitness. He should be well trained but show no signs of ever having been shoved around. He should have great quality and soundness and whilst always maintaining that unique Golden temperament, he should have sufficient presence to enable him to be competitive against other breeds.
In my opinion, my winners were truly representative of the breed. As is often the case, bitches tended to be stronger than dogs. Temperaments were very good with no sign of any sharpness which has been seen on the mainland a couple of times of late. The typical Golden temperament must be jealously guarded. Gladly, I didn’t find there to be a problem with short legs and over exaggerated hindquarters, Heads varied but I didn’t find any which in my opinion were coarse. A few eyes were lighter than ideal and may be something to watch in the future. I also found a number of dogs whose eyes were a little on the small side. I also noticed this in New Zealand last year. This can make for an expression which is not typical and in severe cases can give the Golden an almost pig-like appearance. Two incorrect bites were found. In most cases fronts were straight with adequate bone. There were only a few with what I would call really beautifully shaped feet but most were acceptable. Shoulder placement on the exhibits was better than average and hind angulation was generally very good. There were only a few which I considered cow hocked. But there were a few with rather steep croups which can add to incorrect hind angulation and can thereby affect the required effortless movement. In my mind’s eye I see the famous Queenlee Goldens moving effortlessly around the ring at Royals in the 1970s. Never did they put a foot wrong or broke their gait and their handler always made the full use of the ring. If someone had put a coin on their back at the beginning of their movement I am sure it would have still been there at the end. In my opinion that is the true level movement we should be aiming for. The general fitness of the Goldens in Hobart was a lot better than I have seen for some time, with only one or two dogs carrying too much condition. Congratulations to the exhibitors for their efforts in presenting their Goldens in hard working condition. There were a couple of males which were a little proud of their tails but since there were a couple of bitches in season on the day they were forgiven. Coat texture varied somewhat. It must be remembered the topcoat must not to be soft and silky. Those enthusiasts who have worked their Goldens know very well the virtues of correct coat texture. There was a lovely range of colour, from the very pretty lightest cream to a beautiful rich gold. And it was very good to see “dare I say it” that that pesky recessive blond gene has not taken a strangle hold down on the Apple Isle, as it has done in some other parts of the world. There were a couple which were right up to the limit in terms of size. It is very important not to let them get too big and for the bitches to remain feminine. Perhaps a measuring stick may come in handy.
Finally, I would like to say thank you once again for a lovely entry. What Tasmania lacks in quantity it certainly makes up for in quality. It was a great privilege to be given the honour of judging and critiquing your Goldens.
Baby Puppy Dog
1. Goldlake New Sensation (Ch Larbellah Take The Lead/Goldlake Suicide Blonde)
A baby with much to like about him. Lovely type. Beautiful bone and correctly shaped feet. Beautiful dark eye giving gentle expression Level topline well bent stifle well balanced correct tailset and carriage. Good length of upper arm moved soundly. Time will assist with a slight strengthening in the hindquarters.
Junior Dog
1. Heathbrook Storm the Stage (Ch Acacian Special Event/Ch Beaucroft Sorrento Sun)
Pleasing head. Elegant outline sufficient upper arm with very strong hindquarters. My preference is for a slightly darker eye. Very nicely presented. Well muscled hocks well let down correct tail carriage. Pretty coat
Intermediate Dog
1. Fernfall Above N Beyond (Ch Perrecca Unprecendented/ Fernfall Beyond Paradise)
Rich Golden coloured dog pleasing head with good depth of muzzle dark eye and correct bite. Sufficient bone level topline correct coat texture well let down hocks deep chest correct length of leg well muscled slightly out at elbow detected standing an don the move
2. Trigolden Sunbronze (Ch Fernfall Sea Legend/Ch Trigolden One & Only)
Smaller dog than the one above. Correct straight front with tight elbows. Pretty colour pleasing head well muscled good turn of stifle Just appeared to slope away slightly in the croup.
2. Arangold Matcmaker(imp NZ) (Ch Arangold The Connnoisseur/Arangold Make Sure)
Very pleasing head proportions. Level topline nicely shaped feet. He needs a little time to body up a little and to strengthen slightly in the hindquarters.
State Bred Dog
1.Ch Kaparla Wicketkeeper (Gr Ch Tulzean Autumn Tango/Xanthos Are You Talking to Me)
A very beautiful young dog, teeming with quality. Sound straight front with correctly shaped feet. Nice flow of neck into shoulders. Well angled front and rear painting a lovely picture on the stack. Moved soundly. Despite not yet being fully mature he certainly pushed for top honours and I was delighted to award him the Reserve Challenge.
2. Heathbrook Boy from OZ (Sh Acacian Special Event/Ch Beaucroft Sorrento Sun)
Another lovely dog with a pleasing head and expression although I would like to see a slightly darker eye. Soundly constructed. Clean in outline Level topline. On the upper end of the height standard. . Covered the ground well but as he is only young he is still a little loose.
3. Oceanviews Got to Luv Me (Kellyvix Gold Pirate/Ch Swiftreve Celebration)
Although painting a nice picture I would like to see slightly more angulation in the hindquarters. Very well muscled but not in full coat on the day.
Aust Bred Dog
1. Ch Giltedge The Poet(Ch Standfast Dream Ticket from Kerrien(imp UK)/Ch Giltedge Charlotte)
An athletic, workmanlike, masculine, gundog with a very beautiful outline and soft expression. Short coupled and a short back and an effortless level mover showing so much power in his hindquarters. Upstanding, well angulated and so sound. On occasion he did tend to prop slightly preventing his reach of neck to be shown to advantage. However, the more often he came into the ring the better he got. I was thrilled to be able to award him the Dog CC and later Best In Show.
2. Neikaglen Jazz Singer (Ch Golden Rosebays Drummer Boy(imp Blg)/Neikaglen Moet Chandon)
Another lovely blond boy with a pretty wavy coat which painted a nice picture. Pleasing head. Well bent stifles hocks well let down. Level topline. Presented in hard working condition.
3.Verouscha Spinning Skihi (Ashiya Spinner of Dreams/ Yarrenbook Golden Waffle)
A pleasing head, with a lovely dark eye . Adequate bone Not overdone in any way. Very nicely shaped feet being well up on his pasterns. Hocks well let down correct tail set and carriage. Would just like to see the elbows a little tighter.
Open Dog
1. Ch Golden Rosebays Drummer Boy (imp Blg)( Eng Sh Ch Goldenquest Ambassador/ Espressivo VD Beerse Hoeve
An animal which oozes great quality. Beautiful to go over, not overdone in any way, painting a truly lovely picture. Lovely head and gentle expression. Correct bone Level topline. Well sprung ribs .A very pretty coat. Beautifully handled throughout . One of the contenders for the top award. Lost out a little with a little less drive in the hindquarters on the day..
2. Kaparla Its Raining Men (Ch Golden Rosebays Drummer Boy(imp Blg)/ Chaleur Glamour Puss)
Another typey blond Golden, son of the one ahead of him. Pleasing head and soft expression Correct short back. Well laid back shoulders and good hindquarter angulation. Moved soundly out and back and with animation around the ring. One of the boys who was forgiven for being a little too proud of his tail on the day.
Veteran Dog
1.Ch Dunfriar Beauforth (Ch Fellfarm Cotterie McAllum/Toriade Torquay)
A lovely old style masculine Golden. Plenty of bone and substance. Deep through the heart. Level topline with hocks well let down. Correct tail set and carriage. In wonderful muscular condition.
Baby Puppy Bitch
1.Goldlake Shine Likeit Does ( Ch Larbellah Take The Lead/ Goldlake Suicide Blonde)
A truly beautiful baby and one I would have liked to have taken home with me. So compact and short coupled Lovely head and expression having correct eye colour shape and size. Plenty of bone. So well angulated both front and rear. Moved soundly
2. Kaparla Winner Takes All (Ch Kaparla Wicketkeeper/Ch Kaparla Guilty as Charged)
Another beautiful baby which also oozes quality. Comments similar to one above although the final decision came down to the expression at this stage of their development..
Minor Puppy Bitch
1.Oceanviews Southern Belle (Oceanviews Gotta Luv Me/ Swiftreve The Snow Queen)
What a beautiful picture this little girl painted. With excellent construction she caught my eye immediately and is another I would easily have taken home and, despite her tender age of less than 8 months, she was a real contender for top honours on the day.. So very sound and so feminine. I believe this little girl has a very bright future and will follow her progress with interest.
2. Verouscha Bliss Bomb (Blazedngold Doubl Troubl/ Verouscha Queen O Thnight)
Another very pretty blond bitch with lovely dark eyes and gentle expression. Was a little unlucky to come up against the winner on the day.
Puppy Bitch
- Kaparla Hark the Herald (Ch Golden Rosebays Drummer Boy(imp Blg)/Chaleur Wearing Prada)
A pale cream bitch of quality. So lovely to go over and much to like. A pleasing head and expression. Level tabletop topline. Lovely neck into shoulders. Stood and moved soundly fore and aft. Reminded me very much of the famous Styal Goldens in the UK. Handled so beautifully.
Junior Bitch
1. Ashiya Wishes N Dreams (Ch Stanroph Shared Assets/ Ch Ashiya Wish Upon A Star)
A very feminine, moderate, cream bitch with dark eye giving a kindly gentle expression. Well constructed. Good turn of stifle with well let down hocks. A sound level mover.
2. Heathbrook Leading Lady (Ch Acacian Special Event/ Ch Beaucroft Sorrento Sun)
A larger, upstanding, athletic, sound and animated young bitch. Very eye catching on the stack. Pleasing head however my preference would be for a slightly darker eye. Moved effortlessly around the ring and her slight roll over her back, which is apparent at present, will improve as she matures.
3.Blazedngold Devine Rebel (Blazedngold Doubl Troubl/Blazedngold SG Atlantis)
A pretty young bitch with a typical Golden expression . Soundly constructed with the correct level topline. She has a lot to like about her and I would like to see this bitch again when she is in coat.
Intermediate Bitch
1.Beaucroft Fait Accompli (Ch Acacian Special Event/ Ch Fantango Whata Girl Wants)
A bitch of great quality and so beautifully balanced on the stack and on the move. So compact with the desired short back and level topline. Deep through the heart. Lovely powerful quarters in fact textbook hindquarters. The very strong Glennessa line behind her certainly shone through in the way she carried herself as she moved with great ease around the ring. No doubt she has a bright future. I was delighted to award her the Reserve CC.
2.Ch Kaparla Rhythm Omy Heart (Ch Giltedge Blackwatch/Ch Kaparla Guilty as Charged)
This is another bitch of excellent construction which I feel will also do very well in the future as she matures. A very nice little lady to go over having everything in the right places. Beautifully presented, looking a picture of health. She didn’t really want to stride out today so probably would have benefited by being shown outdoors.
State Bred Bitch
1.Goldlake Sweet Dreams (Dream Max Grandmothers Prospect (imp Swd)/Ch Goldlake Summer Breeze)
A rangier bitch than those in the previous class. Upstanding. Correct straight front well angled rear and level topline. My personal preference would be for a slightly wider muzzle and a little more chiselling under the eyes. Moved soundly
- Neikaglen Sheer Bliss (Neikaglen Jazz Singer/Neikaglen Magic Bliss)
A well muscled blond bitch with lovely soft melting expression. Adequate angulation front and rear. Beautifully shaped tight feet and well up on her pasterns. Tended to slope away slightly at the rear.
Aust Bred Bitch
1. Ch Yellowfetch Shiin Light ( Dykinta Light My Fire/Yellowfetch Ding Dong)
A very well balanced pale bitch. Sound and well put together creating a lovely outline. Moved so well fore and aft and around the ring. Beautifully presented and handled. Another class winning bitch who was right in it for top honours on the day..
2. Blazedngold Inocent Eyes (Gr Ch Tulzean Autumn Tango/Deshavou Loch Alish)
I also liked this very feminine bitch very much and felt there was very little between the first two in terms of quality. It was such a shame that she lost momentum and faded when her owner unfortunately had to retire due to injury. Another day the decision may have been reversed.
3. Chaleur Wearing Prada (Dewmist Silversong(imp Swd)/Gr Ch Chaleur Unforgetable)
This super typey bitch looked really lovely on the stack being so excellently constructed. However her movement let her down making me wonder whether she may have been feeling out of sorts on the day.
Open Bitch
1. Gr Ch Yellowfetch Whatz It to You (Dewmist Silversong(imp Swd)/Yellowfetch Whatz Uup)
A very high quality athletic Golden bitch which would be competitive against the best anywhere. Straight front well laid back shoulder angulation well angled in the rear. So sound, elegant and well put together and so beautifully presented. Carried herself beautifully. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to award her the CC in stiff competition and Runner Up Best in Show.
2. Oceanviews Love Love Me ( Kellyvix Gol d Pirate/ Swiftreve Celebration).
A lovely rich coloured Golden bitch also in the workmanlike style. Pleasing head and expression Level topline . Moved out well. Not in full bloom on the day unfortunately.
3.T Ch Fernamber Nymph CDX (Megajames Dylan Boy/ T Ch Fernamber Silhouette CDX)
Although being a long way from home, having a strange handler and being out of coat I knew immediately who this little girl was because of that most beautiful unmistakeable expression. Despite her cowlick I have seen no expression softer than hers. Whilst I have done her well previously her usual breathtaking movement let her down a little on the day.
Veteran Bitch
1.Ch Toriade Timsbury (Ch and Eng Ch Stanroph Shogun/ Ch Toriade Tienmouth
Just lovely. Pleasing head and expression. Sound and well put together. Straight front and rear. She didn’t appear totally happy inside so just tended to lose her topline slightly when moving..
Thank you to everyone once again from “Aunty Shirley” and myself.
Yours sincerely
Marilynn Morphet