Baby dog
1. H. Morrison’s Kaparla Pomp N Ceremony (AI) Very promising 5 month old puppy. Excellent bone and body throughout. Lovely head, with soft expression. Excellent forequarters and neck flowing into well ribbed up body, well angulated hindquarters. Good movement fore & aft beautifully presented and handled. Good luck for the future with this lovely puppy.
2. M & S Evans’ Kaparla Me Myself and I (AI) Another promising happy puppy, medium bone throughout. Head good, but eyes slightly round. Good forequarters, lovely feet. Topline, tailset and hindquarters good, not as together as the first puppy on the day.
Minor dog
3. K. Handley & C. Cooke’s goldew Southern Son 6 ½ month old gold puppy, of good bone and substance throughout. Pleasing head, with slightly low set ears. Adequate forequarters, excellent feet. Good topline and tailset, but loses this at the moment on the move due to immaturity. Excellent hindquarters. Well handled.
Puppy dog
4. Beaucroft kennels & J & D Wadsley’s Beaucroft Anything Goes (AI) 11 month old cream male. Pleasing head and expression. Good bone and body throughout. Shoulders good, would like slightly more upper arm. Good topline and tailset, though has tendency to crouch when stacked. Slightly wide in front when moving, good reach and drive. Beautifully presented.
Junior dog
5. Mrs. J.M. Bliss’s Oceanvies Happy Days 11 month old cream male of good size and bone. Good head and expression. Moderate angles fore and aft. Good topline & tailset. When moving is slightly loose in hocks and elbows, & loses his topline, hopefully these will strengthen as he gets older and matures. Adequate reach and drive. Excellent coat texture and quality.
Intermediate dog
8. BW & SA Courtney’s Ch Dunfriar The Brave 21 month old midsized male. Lovely head and expression. Forequarters good, with adequate bone. Good topline and tailset. Adequate hindquarters. Would like slightly more length of leg. Moves with good reach and drive, though needs to be moved at slower pace for this to be appreciated. Well presented, and in excellent hard condition.
9. P & V Hofto’s Ralun Zen there Was Wilson TD 2 year old mid gold dog, with excellent proportions. Pleasing head and expression. Good bone throughout. Good neck, shoulders set slightly forward, good topline & tailset. Excellent strong hindquarters. Sound & true moving dog who did not want to oblige his handler today when moving , which was a shame.
10. S & K Handley & D Wadsley’s Ch Giltedge Band Of Brothers (AI) 20 month old masculine cream male. Very mature dog for age and well bodied throughout. Masculine head, with excellent pigmentation. Good neck and shoulders, though slightly lacking upper arm, and wide in chest with restricts reach when moving. Good topline and tailset, which was carried a tad high when moving. Excellent hindquarters, in good hard condition.
State bred dog
11. Mrs. J.M. Bliss’ Ch Oceanviews Got To Luv Me 4 year old gold male of pleasing proportions. Excellent bone and substance throughout. Lovely head with beautiful eyes and expression. Excellent neck & forequarters. Well bodied dog with firm, short loin. Slightly close behind when moving away, but true coming. Excellent carriage when moving, with good reach & drive. Beautifully presented & handled, and it was a pleasure to award him the CC.
Aust bred dog
13. M & S Evans’ Ch. Fernfall Above N Beyond 4 year old dark gold male. Pleasing head & expression. Good sized dog, with adequate bone for size. Adequate forequarters, with good topline and tailset. Well ribbed, moved truly fore & aft, in excellent hard condition.
Open dog
16. H. Morrison’s Ch Kaparla Wicketkeeper 3 ½ year old medium sized mid golden male. Lovely head, with soft expression. Excellent bone and body throughout. Forequarters and hindquarters good, with excellent topline & tailset. Moves truly, though slightly more length of leg would give better balance overall. Presented in the best of condition, and beautifully handled. A lovely dog of good quality, my Reserve CC winner.
17. Mrs. J. Jeffery’s Kaparla Its Raining Men CCD 5 year old masculine cream male. Pleasing head, though would prefer a darker eye. Good bone and breadth of chest. Slightly long in loin, but topline good. Hindquarters strong and well developed. Tailset is high which detracts from outline when moving. Moves truly and with purpose.
15. Mrs. L. Rand’s Arangold Matchmaker (Imp NZ) Nearly 5 year old medium sized male. Head is a bit lacking in strength for a male. Bone and body throughout adequate for age. Forequarters good, hindquarters adequate. Topline excellent, and nice short loin. Moved truly. Coat is of good , correct texture.
Baby Puppy Bitch
18. Mrs. H. Morrison’s Kaparla Its All About Me (AI) 5 month old pale cream bitch. Beautiful head and excellent pigment. Nice front, level topline and tailset. Slightly exaggerated in hindquarters at the moment, but has tendency to crouch so this doesn’t help. Level mover, would prefer more length of leg at this age. Lovely temperament and well presented.
Minor bitch
19. J. Grierson’s Goldlake Heart Beat 7 month old pale gold puppy bitch. Beautiful soft expression with good dark eyes. Excellent forequarters, with good topline and tailset. Excellent body proportions and development for age. Hindquarters good, a bit loose on the move at the moment, but has good reach & drive. A very promising youngster.
20. Mrs. L. Rands’s Oceanviews What A Girl 8 ½ month old dark golden bitch. Adequate bone. Head and eyes good, but ears set too low. Forequarters and hindquarters moderately angled. Good topline and tailset. Moved truly fore and aft, but lacks reach and drive. Lovely temperament, and very spirited!
Puppy bitch
This was a very difficult class. They are both promising puppies, I wish them both well for the future!
21. J. Grierson’s Naragold Georgie Girl 10 month old pale golden bitch, of excellent type throughout. Presents a beautiful outline, and does not disappoint on closer inspection. Excellent head and expression. Excellent forequarter and hindquarter construction. Moves soundly and with ground covering movement, carrying her topline and tailset in perfect harmony. Slight rolling at the moment when moving due to immaturity. A very promising puppy, which I was happy to consider amongst the older bitches in the CC, and was ultimately awarded Puppy in Show.
23. Mr. P. Stevenson’s & Beaucroft Knls Beaucroft So Yu Think (AI) 11 month old pale cream bitch. Another of excellent type. Not quite as confident as the first girl, but very sweet. Good head, eyes could be a shade darker. Good bone and body for age. Forequarters good. Excellent topline and tailset. Well developed hindquarters. Moves true fore and aft, but on side gait slightly raises in the rear at this stage. Beautifully presented, another promising youngster.
Junior bitch
24. C.M. Jestrimski’s Kaparla All Fired Up 13 month old attractive honey golden bitch. Excellent proportions . Good bone and size throughout. Pleasing head and expression. Good front. Topline slightly rises over the loin, good tailset. Good hindquarters. Moves freely. In excellent coat and body condition. Well handled.
25. B.W. & S.A. Courtney’s Dunfriar Golden Idol 13 month old pale cream bitch. Pleasing head and expression. Good forequarters and bone throughout. Excellent feet. Long in loin & back, and rises over the loin on standing and moving. Moves freely and covers the ground well. In beautiful condition, and well handled.
Intermediate bitch
26. Kim Handley’s Giltedge Sister Act (AI) 20 month old cream bitch of good size and excellent bone. Head good, with soft expression and excellent pigment. Good forequarters, topline and tailset. Would like slightly more breadth to ribcage, but is still maturing. Slightly long in loin, excellent hindquarters. Moved truly and with excellent reach & drive, though a bit loose due to immaturity. In beautiful coat and well presented. A very promising bitch for the future.
State bred bitch
30. Mrs. J.M. Bliss’ Oceanviews Southern Belle 2 ½ year old mid golden bitch of excellent type and proportions. Pleasing head with soft melting expression, ears could be slightly smaller. Excellent forequarters which were carried truly when moving. Excellent neck which flowed smoothly into a level, strong topline. Hindquarters well developed and in perfect balance with forequarters. Moves truly and with good reach and drive. A lovely bitch in beautiful condition, who was a picture of health. A very worthy Best in Show winner.
28. J. Grierson’s Goldlake Once Upon A Time 17 month old pale golden bitch of lovely type. Pretty head, eyes could be a shade darker. Good forequarters, neck and topline. Excellent hindquarters, moves with purpose and good carriage. Just coming into coat, and still immature. A very nice bitch with a promising future.
29. Mrs. L. Rand’s Oceanviews Tess 2 year old pale cream bitch of good size and bone. Pleasing head, but eyes too light. Forequarters good. Topline and tailset good. Hindquarters lacking second thigh and close behind when moving. Correct coat texture, and nice short back.
Aust bred bitch
33. Miss S. Stephen’s GRD Ch Yellowfetch Whatzit To U E.T. 6 year old mid gold bitch of lovely type. Good size & substance, but still feminine. Head slightly narrow in skull and eyes a bit round. Forequarters good, and excellent neck, topline & tailset. Hindquarters well developed, and moved with power from behind. Slightly loose in front when moving towards, but has good reach and drive, with level topline when moving. In beautiful, hard condition and well handled.
31. J & D Wadsley’s Giltedge Evita 2 year old mid golden bitch of good type and excellent bone throughout. Head good, excellent feet. Good forequarters and topline. Hindquarters need a bit more width in second thigh. Moves truly behind, but slightly wide in front. Moves freely and covers the ground. Well presented.
32. Mrs. J.M. Bliss’ Oceanviews Love Love Me 4 year old dark golden bitch of medium size and bone. Pleasing head. Good forequarters, topline and tailset. Slightly rises over the loin when moving. Good hindquarters. In excellent hard condition.
Open bitch
39. Mr. P Stevenson & Beaucroft Knls Ch Beaucroft Fait Accompli 3 ½ year old pale golden medium sized bitch. A bitch of good type & quality. Pleasing head and expression. Good neck & forequarters, flowing into a level, hard topline. Would like more breadth of rib for age, and slightly long in loin. Hindquarters well developed and strong. Moves truly, and has an excellent effortless, ground covering movement. Beautifully presented and in gleaming coat.
37. Mrs. H. Morrison’s Ch Kaparla Rhythm OMy Heart 3 ½ year old dark golden bitch, of correct size and excellent proportions. Good head, though eyes are slightly small. Good forequarters and excellent bone. Well ribbed body with short loin. Topline slightly rises over the loin, particularly when moving, good tailset. Good strong hindquarters. Moves freely with good reach and drive, true behind but slightly loose in front when coming. Unfortunately was lacking her finishing touches today, another high quality bitch.
36. Mrs. J. Grierson’s Ch Goldlake Summer Breeze 5 year old mid gold bitch of good size and substance. Pleasing head, but muzzle slightly long. Forequarters good, with good breadth and depth of body. Excellent topline, tailset is slightly low. Hindquarters adequate, moves freely with good reach and drive.